Gerhard Hafner
Gerhard Hafner (born 1943) received his doctorate in law from the University of Vienna. Studies in Luxembourg, at the Hague Academy of International Law and at Moscow State University (academic year 1967/68). From the end of 1969, university assistant at the Institute for International Law at the University of Vienna. Venia legendi for the subject "Public International Law and International Economic Law"; associate professor of Public International Law (from 1996 university professor); former head of the Institute for European Law, International Law and Comparative Law at the University of Vienna; from 2008 retired university professor.
Professor at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, M.A.I.S.; since 2021 Hon. Prof. (Graz). Visiting professorships at Comenius University Bratislava (since 1991), Paneurópska Vysoká Škola, Fakulta Práva and Stanford University (1996); lecture series at the University of Paris 2 (Assas), Paris 5 and Grenoble. Member of the United Nations International Law Commission 1997-2001 (2001 First Vice-President); member of the Institut de Droit International.
Selected publications
- Gerhard Hafner, The Issue of Immunity, in: Institut de Droit International, Marcelo Kohen, Iris van der Heijden (eds.), 150 ans de contributions au développement du droit international - Livre du sesquicentenaire de l'Institut de Droit International 1873-2023 (Paris 2023) 479-510.
- Gerhard Hafner, Diener zweier Herren: Gegenmaßnahmen im unions- und völkerrechtlichen Kontext, in: Philipp B. Donath, Alexander Heger, Moritz Malkmus, Orhan Bayrak (eds.), Der Schutz des Individuums durch das Recht, FS für Rainer Hofmann zum 70. Geburtstag (Springer 2023) 71-91.
- Gerhard Hafner, Helmut Türk, The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982: Reflections after 40 Years, Ocean Yearbook 36 (2022) 3-47.
- Gerhard Hafner, Gregor Novak, State Succession in Respect of Treaty Relationships, in: Duncan B. Hollis (ed.), The Oxford Guide to Treaties,2nd ed. (OUP 2020) 383-413.
- Gerhard Hafner, Provisional Application of Treaties, Austrian Review of International and European Law 24 (2019) (publ. 2021) 67-88.
The complete list of publications can be found in the research portal of the University of Graz or as pdf-file for download here.