In the past years, Ambassador Helmut Tichy has already successfully held courses on the Austrian international law practice and the practice of international organisations (including excursions to Vienna and Geneva) at the Karl-Franzens-University. He has also supervised theses and dissertations. The Institute of International Law is therefore all the more pleased to welcome back the Austrian practitioner as a professor of practice at the Karl-Franzens University!
As the legal adviser of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA), Ambassador Tichy disposes of great experience in the area of international law and diplomacy. He regularly publishes on the international law practice and the practice of international organisations in Austrian and international academic journals and edited volumes.
In the winter term 2020/21 he holds the course ‘Österreich und das Völkerrecht – Aktuelle Fragen aus der österreichischen Praxis (217.703)‘ and in the consecutive summer term 2021 the course ‘Recht und Praxis internationaler Organisationen und die Rolle Österreichs (217.013)‘. As part of the summer term seminar, an excursion to Geneva will be undertaken – provided that the (COVID-19) situation and travel restrictions permitting so.
For more information on the courses – which will be held in German – please consult UniGraz online!