The workshop focused on the 27 “Draft Principles” prepared by the International Law Commission (ILC) to ensure the protection of the environment in armed conflict. Dr. Marja Lehto’s expertise provided a deeper understanding and offered valuable behind-the-scenes insights into the International Law Commission. Contributing to the academic discourse were Prof. Charlotte Kreuter-Kirchhof of the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf and Prof. Martha M. Bradley of the University of Johannesburg, renowned experts in the fields of environmental law and the law of armed conflict, respectively.
The workshop reached out to doctoral students, faculty members, and scholars who possess a keen interest in environmental protection, particularly in the context of armed conflicts. The event kicked off with a luncheon reception, which created a conducive atmosphere for interesting discussions. A coffee break during the workshop allowed for further intellectual exchange. We sincerely thank Dr. Marja Lehto, Prof. Charlotte Kreuter-Kirchhof and Prof. Martha M. Bradley for their most accomplished contributions!