The Institute of International Law was honored to welcome Prof. Dr. Charles C. Jalloh (Florida International University and member of the United Nations International Law Commission/ILC) and Prof. Dr. Harmen Van der Wilt (Professor Emeritus of the University of Amsterdam) for a workshop in Graz on May 23, 2022.
In the course of the half-day hybrid workshop, Prof. Dr. Charles Jalloh gave a lecture on "Subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law", a topic that was recently accepted by the ILC and for which he was appointed as Special Rapporteur. In this light, Prof. Jalloh discussed the central question of whether judicial decisions and doctrines of the most recognized authors of international law can be considered as sources of international law. Prof Dr Harmen van der Wilt then commented on the lecture and provided insights regarding international criminal law. Afterwards, participants were able to ask questions to the speakers and suggest further points for discussion during an extensive "Round Table Discussion".
The Institute of International Law would like to thank the speakers as well as all online and in-person participants for the interesting event.