Members of the Department engage in research and publish on questions of international law and the law of international organizations. Research interests include the maintenance of international peace and security, ius ad bellum, ius in bello, human security, universal and regional protection of human rights and minorities, the right to self-determination, democracy and international law, international criminal law, international environmental law, asylum, refugee and migration law, as well as international law issues in relation to selected regional areas (particularly South Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa). In addition, selective issues of EU law, questions of international law relevant to domestic law, selected issues of international relations, as well as international legal aspects of digitalization and AI are dealt with.
The Department is regularly involved in research projects (usually in cooperation with partners in Austria and abroad), which are supported, inter alia, by the Austrian Research Fund (FWF), the Austrian Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA) and the funding schemes of the European Union.
Details regarding the results and achievements of members of the Department in the area of research are listed in the research portal of the University of Graz.