“The War in Ukraine: Controversial Issues under the International Law of War and Peace”
The Russian aggression against Ukraine highlights old issues and new challenges under international law. Actual controversies refer to the relevance of the supply of arms, the Russian Federation’s status within the UN, the range of possible countermeasures and new mechanisms for the prosecution of aggression and war crimes. Salient questions:
• Does the supply of military material to an attacked State conflict with the rules on neutrality?
• Can the supply of heavy weapons turn a State into a party to the armed armed conflict?
• What are the options for targeting Russia‘s status within the UN?
• Can Western States use seized Russian property for Ukraine‘ reconstruction?
• Can an agreement between Ukraine and the UN (ratified by the General Assembly) serve as basis for a special international criminal court?
Hierzu etwa Herdegen, Der Überfall auf die Ukraine: völkerrechtliche Optionen des Westen, Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Sicherheitsrecht, Sonderheft 2/2022, S. 7ff. ; siehe auch die Hinweise unter https://www.cassis.uni-bonn.de/de/dossier-ukraine.
Datum: 06.06.2023
Uhrzeit: 17:00- 18:30 Uhr
Ort: HS 15.01 (Moot-Court- und Verhandlungsraum) sowie via Livestream unter https://uni-graz.zoom.us/j/61851126364?pwd=RXlJQ2srMUtVMFE1M3V6Zy9rQTUrUT09
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