Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt
Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt has been Associate Professor since 2015 and Deputy Head of the Department of International Law and International Relations at the University of Graz, Austria, since 2017. Her research focuses on international law in the context of crises in the Middle East, international environmental law, armed conflicts, human rights protection and international law in the context of counter-terrorism as well as space law. She has been a member of the Works Council of the academic staff of the University of Graz since 2016 and serves as Chair of the Works Committee of the University of Graz (2021-2025).

Selected publications
- Karimi-Schmidt, Yvonne, Grundzüge des Internationalen Privatrechts (IPR), in: Paul Gragl et al. (eds.): Internationale Dimensionen des Rechts und Rechtsvergleichung (Vienna: LexisNexis 2023), 59-70.
- Karimi-Schmidt, Yvonne, Grüne Gentechnik in Europa (Vienna: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag 2019).
- Karimi-Schmidt, Yvonne, Klimaschutz aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der zivilen Luftfahrt, Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht 74 (2019), 35-68; doi:10.33196/zoer201901003501.
The complete list of publications can be found in the research portal of the University of Graz.
Assoz. Prof. Mag.iur. Dr.iur. Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt
+43 316 380 - 3419
Institut für Völkerrecht und Internationale Beziehungen
Mi. / Wed. 11.45 - 12.15