GILDS-Discussion with Prof. Paul Gragl

The next event in the GILDS discussion series will take place on 28.11.2023 with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul Gragl (University of Graz).

17:00 - 18:30
to be announced

Event description:

“Mutual Defence and Assistance Clauses: A Comparative Analysis of Article 5 NATO and Article 42(7) TEU”

In this presentation, I will offer a thorough look at mutual defence and assistance clauses and compare four different aspects of Article 5 NATO and Article 42(7) TEU, respectively: what are the conditions of triggering obligations under these clauses; what is their territorial scope; what is actually owed under these provisions; what are the exact modalities of their application. To conclude, I will also explore the topical issue of what these provisions mean for Ukraine and whether it can accede to NATO and/or the EU, respectively, during an active international armed conflict.

Event details:

Date: 28.11.2023

Time: 17:00-18:30

Location: HS 15.01 (Moot-Court- und Verhandlungsraum) and online via  (

A reception will be held after the event. For attendance in person, please register by e-mail to voelkerrecht(at) by 24.11.2023; no separate registration is required to follow the livestream. 

An overview of the GILDS series of events and the corresponding programme can be found here