Recent publications
The Complaint Procedure Under the Biological Weapons Convention and 'Obligatory Abstention' in the UNSC
Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan and Christian Pippan, Inherited Obstruction: The Complaint Procedure Under the Biological Weapons Convention and the UN Charter Rule on Obligatory Abstention in the Security Council, 30 Journal of Conflict & Security Law (2025) 1–18

27th Volume of the Max Planck Yearbook on United Nations Law
Curated by the editors-in-chief Prof. Dr. Erika de Wet and Dr. Kathrin Maria Scherr as well as the managing editor-in-chief Sai Sathyanarayanan Venkatesh. The Max Planck Foundation and Brill are joint publishers and producers of the volume. The print version will be published in January 2025.

Cooperation à la Carte? (Verfassungsblog)
Hörzer, Anna Lena: Cooperation à la Carte?: Austria’s Stance on Head of State Immunities and Cooperation, VerfBlog, 2024/8/23,, DOI: 10.59704/429964295a694d1f

Bruno Simma et al (eds), The Charter of the United Nations. A Commentary (4th ed, OUP 2024) - Commentaries by Erika de Wet and Helmut Tichy
Commentaries by Erika de Wet: ‘Introduction to Chapter VII: The General Framework’, ‘Article 39’, ‘Article 40’, ‘Article 41’, ‘Article 42’, and (with Nico Krisch) ‘Article 43’.
Commentary by Helmut Tichy (with Philip Bittner): ‘Article 15’.

Erika de Wet: The beginning of a world tour
Erika de Wet remembers her stay at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in the 1990s; MPIL 100 Blog (24.05.2024)

Sustainability of the Exploration and Use of Outer Space
Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt (ed.), Sustainability of the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Commemorative book; Delves into the topic of long-term sustainability in space in outer space exploration and utilization; Written by international experts from academia and institutions (Springer, 2024) 65 pp.
The international legal foundations of sanctions
Erika de Wet and Christina Seewald, Die völkerrechtlichen Grundlagen von Sanktionen: ein rechtsquellenorientierter Überblick unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der restriktiven Maßnahmen der EU gegen Russland, Austrian Journal of Public Law 79 (2024) 101-128.

26th volume of the Max Planck Yearbook on United Nations Law
Curated by the editors-in-chief Prof. Dr. Erika de Wet and Dr. Kathrin Maria Scherr as well as the managing editor-in-chief Sai Sathyanarayanan Venkatesh. The Max Planck Foundation and Brill are joint publishers and producers of the volume. The print version will be published in spring 2024.

Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law
Erika De Wet and Michael Wood, 'Collective Security' (last updated July 2023), in Anne Peters and Rüdiger Wolfrum (eds), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (Oxford University Press 2008-) <>.

Regulating Military Force Series (Lieber Institute)
Erika de Wet, A Future for the UN System of Collective Security? Lieber Institute - Articles of War (22 February 2023) <>

The Military Law and the Law of War Review
Martha M Bradley, Revisiting and reimagining scholarly approaches: Assessing the notion of intensity in complex non-international armed conflicts through aggregation, The Military Law and the Law of War Review 61 (2023) 2, 160-190.

European Yearbook on Human Rights 2023
Philip Czech, Lisa Heschl, Karin Lukas, Manfred Nowak, Gerd Oberleitner, European Yearbook on Human Rights 2023 (Larcier Intersentia 2023)

Entrenching International Values through Positive Law: The (Limited) Effect of Peremptory Norms
Erika de Wet, 'Entrenching International Values through Positive Law: The (Limited) Effect of Peremptory Norms', in Heike Krieger and Andrea Liese (eds), Tracing Value Change in the International Legal Order (OUP 2023) 85-99.

The War in Ukraine from a Human Security Perspective
Wolfgang Benedek, 'The War in Ukraine from a Human Security Perspective', Peace Human Rights Governance 7 (2023) 1, 9-22.

International law and "pro-democratic" interventionism
Christian Pippan, Pro-democratic Interventionism Revisited, in Daniel Erasmus Khan, Evelyne Lagrange, Stefan Oeter, and Christian Walter (eds), Democracy and Sovereignty: Rethinking the Legitimacy of Public International Law (Brill 2023) 35 - 59.

Research Handbook on International Law and Human Security
Gerd Oberleitner (ed.) Research Handbook on International Law and Human Security (Edward Elgar Publishing 2022)

Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Gerhard Hafner, Framework Convention on National Minorities, in Christina Binder, Manfred Nowak, Jane Hofbauer and Philipp Janig (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Edward Elgar 2022)

The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Reflections after 40 Years
Gerhard Hafner and Helmut Türk, The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982: Reflections after 40 Years, Ocean Yearbook 36 (2022), 3 - 47.

Protection of the environment: An erga omnes obligation?
Gerhard Hafner, Protection of the environment: An erga omnes obligation? in Peter Hilpold, Walter Steinmair and Andreas Raffeiner (eds), Austria and the EU in Transition - A Review of the Liber Amicorum for Heinrich Neisser (facultas 2022) 195-201.